With Insurance premiums on the rise, now it is more important than ever to focus on CSA scores. Normal daily operations in trucking play a role under the CSA microscope. Carriers are now leaning stronger on these scores that will decide premium rates, but it could also be a deciding factor whether a market will provide a quote.
According to Freight Waves, with elevated CSA scores, it could take more than two years to get them brought down, and it only takes a couple of bad accidents to be put in the “high-risk market.” Don’t let one bad year hurt many years of hard work!
If you find yourself struggling to lower your CSA scores, reach out to The Daniel and Henry Company. Let us help you map a plan to achieve the scores you need. It is vital to have someone who understands CSA scores and how they work. We know the trucking industry, but more importantly, we know what it takes to be a clean operation. Remember, better scores is the gateway to better markets with better premiums.
As always, the trucking insurance professionals at The Daniel & Henry Company are here to help our clients grow safely and with insurance costs in mind. If you need help executing your plan for growth, please call us today at 1-877-406-5915 or email us at ClaytonD@danielandhenry.com