What is the liability insurance requirement to gain your own Trucking Authority?
Whether you have been an owner-operator leased under another company or just looking to start your own trucking business, one of the first steps is logging on the FMCSA website and applying for authority. The trucking authority filing is going to run you around $300 for interstate authority. Essentially, you will be on your own to find and book loads giving you the freedom to search on load boards for truckloads that are the best fit for you. This allows you to set your own schedule, decide what type of loads you want to haul and what routes you want to take.
Remember, you don’t submit your proof of insurance directly to the FMCSA. The FMCSA requires your insurance company to submit the form and insurance certificate on your behalf. A BMC-91 form will be flied by your insurance carrier on your behalf to meet the minimum public liability (bodily injury/property damage/environmental restoration) requirements.
Here is your minimum requirements for motor carrier’s hauling freight: $750,000 – $5,000,000, depending on commodities transported; $300,000 for non-hazardous freight moved only in vehicles weighing under 10,001 lbs.
As always, you can count on the commercial truck insurance professionals at The Daniel & Henry Company to assist you through challenging claims and all of our insurance, risk management, and safety issues. Contact us today to discuss solutions for your transportation risk management program.