Time To Beef Up Your Unsafe Driving Policies
Operation Safe Driver Week 2021 To Focus on Speeding
The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) is promoting the 2021 Operation Safe Driver Week from July 11 – 17th this year. Safety-focused fleet managers should already have unsafe driving policies and procedures in place, but it’s critical that drivers understand that speeding, following too closely, and erratic lane changes are deadly behaviors.
While driving with my family on I-44 in Missouri this week, I noticed several truckers that were travelling well above the speed limit, too close to the vehicle in front of them, during busy summer weekend traffic. A couple of these trucks were from national, well-known fleets. Why did these drivers believe this behavior was acceptable? Why did dispatchers or safety managers with access to safety technology not contact them immediately to warn about potential violations of company speeding procedures?
Unfortunately, there was a 24% increase in deaths on America’s roads last year, despite a 13% decrease in miles travelled. The situation appears to be worse this year. Distracted four-wheelers share in the blame, but anyone travelling the roads these days knows that there are unsafe truckers causing accidents. If your company cares about the motoring public and your drivers, establish a no tolerance policy for unsafe driving—and then coach drivers on safe driving behaviors.
The commercial truck insurance team at The Daniel & Henry Company is ready to help with your safety programs—before, during, and after Operation Safe Driver Week. Contact us today to discuss how safer drivers leads to higher profits.