With the bombshell settlements that have been coming down on the trucking companies, everyone seems to wonder who foots the bill after the insurance limits are maxed. Ultimately the insured is responsible and could potentially have their fleet seized and sold to pay for the additional damages.
According to a post with CCJ, there is a post-trial punishment in Texas that chases a punitive damages settlement, which its both economic and non-economic damages. Lawsuits like this could potentially lead to higher verdicts jeopardizing fleets of any size and type.
It is more important than ever to ensure you have the proper coverages to help protect your fleet from potential lawsuits. Choosing the appropriate company that supports and keeps the best interest of your fleet starts at the foundation of the transportation experts at Daniel and Henry. We can assist and provide detailed information to help protect the fleet of any type and size.
As always, the trucking insurance professionals at The Daniel & Henry Company are here to help our clients grow safely and with insurance costs in mind. If you need help executing your plan for growth, please call us today at 1-877-406-5915 or email us at ClaytonD@danielandhenry.com